
When I was born on August 16th, 1995, my mom was in a lot of pain giving birth to me.
As she often reminded me when I was a kid, I had a very large head. “So big you could block out the sun”, my sister always said. But, in actuality, my head was so big that my mom had to have a second C-Section for me and out I came into the world. After all that, my parents brought me to my one and only home on 8442 Angila Dr. in Santee, California where I lived somewhat happily for the next 13 years of my life. Until my parents decided to move to some remote mountains just outside of Alpine in a rural community called Dehesa, and as they could tell you, I hated itthere. We moved out there because we needed room to put our horses, and the 10 acres of land would suit us perfectly for that. Although the view was beautiful and being secluded could be nice, it could also get very lonely especially since my closest neighbor was a mile down our dirt road.

My immediate family was my dad, Jeff, my mom, Diane, and my (stupid) sister, Quincy. My dad was very influential in my life, in almost every aspect of it, actually. You could say he’s the “Man” of the house. He is a man I both respect and also fear. As well, that fear usually gave way to hate at times. He is a very demanding and very short tempered man, but also very wise. He used to tell me as a kid that he knew everything and I always said he was lying and that no one could know everything. But, as I grew older, I realized that maybe he didn’t know everything, but he certainly knew a lot about a lot of different things. My mom, on the other hand, was very kind to me. Parents usually say they don’t pick favorites but I could always tell that my mom favored me and my dad to my sister. Whenever there was an argument she always came to my side to help me and I liked that. As I got older, I became conscious of the fact that I often then relied on others to help me with things because of what she did when I was younger. My sister was always very self-reliant and always did her own thing no matter how weird I thought it was. And I thought she was really weird. I don’t know what it was, but my sister and I never really got along, ever. There were times when we could stand each other long enough to play a cool video game together or watch some cartoon, but most of the time we always fought. Even as she got into college and I was graduating high school, we never saw eye- to-eye. She was always mean to me for some reason and so to get her back I would annoy her in some way and then she was mean and I would annoy her and it went on like that. As we got older I actually annoyed her with little things that I did without meaning to like tapping my feet or humming. I expect that as we get into our adult years it will continue to be this way.

As a child, I was very shy and even a bit nerdy and geeky. I got bullied a lot going into middle school and, therefore, got into a lot of fights. It’s not like I was a bad kid; in fact, I was a very good natured, considerate boy. The bullies just pushed me too far sometimes and I just lost control. After my first (and only) suspension, for beating up one of my “friends”, I decided to take a calmer, more controlled, reserved manner to life. But what really happened was that I let people walk all over me for a few years until I started to wise up and walk on people myself. My view of people and everything drastically changed when I got into high school. I didn’t like people and I still don’t. Most people just bug me so I tend to stay away from them, but the few people that don’t, I hold very dear to me.

High school was when I first started getting into fashion. On my first day I tried really hard to fit in and be like everyone else so I wouldn’t ever be bullied again. After a few weeks I began to notice for the first time what people were wearing and what kinds of people wore what kinds of clothes. I often hate myself for this because later on I would often judge people on what kind of clothes they were wearing and would completely ignore them if they didn’t have some “cool” clothes. But, after all that, in my junior year, I really got into fashion and all the different types of clothes and everything that I could wear and make me look like the man I wanted to be. I even started to help my friend dress up with clothes and what looks good for him. I never thought about having a career in fashion because I’m not actually that great at it, and I think it would take the fun out of it for me and I wouldn’t enjoy it as much. In my sophomore year, my friend and I decided to go and try out for a sport together so we randomly picked volleyball. After the first day I loved it. The competitiveness of it all and the fact that I was learning something that not many people could do was great. But more than that, it felt like a family. Like the family I had always wanted with brothers that would stick by me and a real father figure to help guide us to the right path and always push us to our best. One day, back in middle school, I had got into a fight with a friend. He was annoying me so I chased him and beat him up and got suspended for it. When my dad came to pick me up from the vice principal’s office, he wasn’t angry at all which really surprised me. Instead he told me that he understood what I was going through and that he also got into fights when he was younger. But, he told me that he always chose his fights and that he always thought about everything that could have happened and whether the fight was worth it. I thought about what he said for awhile and made a decision that I would always think before I did anything and always weighed the options carefully before choosing an action. In addition to that, throughout the beginning of my freshman year I was still the same goofy looking kid I was back in middle school. One day a random girl in my math class started talking to me and asked why I wear such ugly clothes. Before then, I had never even thought about what I wore, I simply threw on whatever was comfy and walked out the door. But, what she said really hit a nerve with me and so after that I became very invested in men’s fashion so that I would never have to worry about being made fun of like that again.

As for my career, I’ve often thought about what I would want to do with my life but noth
ing ever came up. People always ask what things I’m good at or what do I like to do and I always say “I’m not good at anything” and “I can’t do that in public”. But, since I am forced to come up with an idea, I would want to be an advertiser. I chose this because it has been an interest of mine ever since my cousin first told me that he was going to become one. Specifically, doing digital arts advertising, like creating the designs that companies use every day. It seems interesting because I took a digital arts class in my junior year of high school. It was really fun working with the computers to make any idea you want and all the different things you can do with it and so I think it would be nice to do that for the rest of my life.

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