Recommendation Report

To: Rustin, Rashaan, Angel, and Baltazar
From: Hunter
Subject: Recommendation for Post-Prom Party
I have been searching for possible places to go for after our prom. I have narrowed it down to either staying a night at the Grand Hyatt Hotel or staying a night at the Ballpark Loft: Luxe Suite. I’ve kept the following ideas in mind:
            I recommend that we rent the Ballpark Loft because it spacious and would fit us all perfectly for the night. The suite holds two beds and two couches which could easily fit the five of us and all of our dates. The suite is 165 dollars per night and is right next to Coronado Beach. The Grand Hyatt, on the other hand, is not as spacious and costs 110 dollars per night and is not close by to any beaches.
We will have the five of us going and our three dates. Therefore, we will need a space big enough for eight people to comfortably be in and possibly spend the night.
Grand Hyatt Hotel
The room is roughly the size of a regular sized master bedroom. Most of the space is taken up with a large bed, a couch and a television. I do not think this would fit our needs very well.
Ballpark Loft
The suite is 1000 sq feet with two separate stories and stairs to connect them and also a small kitchen. It also has two beds and two couches and a television, also. I believe this would fit our needs quite well.
With the eight of us going the men should probably pay for the room wherever it is and the cheaper we can get it, the better.
Grand Hyatt Hotel
To stay at the hotel for one night is 110 dollars and so if we split that up five ways then each of us would only have to pay 27 dollars each. That is a good price, but the benefits do not outweigh the costs in this circumstance mainly because of the space.
Ballpark Loft
To stay at the suite for one night is 165 dollars and if we split that up five ways that comes out to each of us paying 33 dollars. I believe this is a very good price especially for the space and the amenities we receive while staying there.
The amenities refer to what each location can provide for us additionally free of charge.
Grand Hyatt Hotel
The additional things that the hotel can provide to us are a decent sized pool, Jacuzzi and a staff that is on hand at all times to help us with anything we might need.
Ballpark Loft
The extra things that the suite can offer us are a large pool, Jacuzzi, a staff on hand at all times, and a free breakfast in the morning. Plus, the suite is very close to Coronado Beach so after we could even go there.
            The space in the Ballpark Loft is definitely enough space for the five of us and our dates, the cost of spending a night there would only be 33 dollars each and the extras that come with the suite are much better than what come with the hotel. In short, I believe we should choose the Ballpark Loft: Luxe Suite for our after prom party.

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