Monday, October 1, 2012

The New Normal...?

           “The New Normal” is about a homosexual couple that wants to adopt a baby.  But, they can’t find the right donor until they meet this young, possibly pregnant mother named Goldie.  She is very desperate for money so she agrees to be their host parent.  However, the mother of the young woman doesn’t want her next granddaughter to go to this gay couple, so she is trying everything she can to stop it.  

In the beginning of the pilot, it comes in with Goldie Clemmons (Georgia King) walking in on her husband having an affair with another woman. She then decides to leave the comfort of her mother’s, (Ellen Barkin) money and care and drives to California with her daughter, Shania (Bebe Woods), to pursue her dream of being a lawyer.  Then, we see David (Justin Bartha) and Bryan (Andrew Rannels), the homosexual couple, talking about getting older and wanting a baby.  So, they go and interview surrogate mothers and find none of them appealing to what they’re looking for until they meet Goldie.  They talk and she tells them about her cheating husband and how she left her mother, who had been taking care of her and her daughter, and the couple fall in love with her and her daughter and she agrees to be the surrogate mother for them. Afterwards, David and Bryan go to a gay bar to try and recapture some of their youth, with no prevail as a young man tries and fails to hit on them.  Later at their house they all wait around the bathroom for Goldie to come out and reveal her pregnancy test results as they all crowd around the pilot ends.

Overall a very comedic show with Bryan and David acting as a regular man-and-wife type of couple and the stereotypical yet no less funny phrases of Jane Forrest that will be soon to catch on. Although the acting of Georgia King seemed a bit awkward as if her only emotion is a smiling, cheerful mother, the rest of the cast’s acting is solid and writing is phenomenal.  I cannot wait until the next episode comes and see what else is in store for this brand new show.


  1. It sounds like a good show, but I think that your review is lacking emotion and sounds choppy. You are also missing background information, whether it is the characters or producers or directors. It would have been nice to have a link to the show or website for the show, not just the actors. Some sentences were really short and some seemed to go on forever. But I do think your pictures match up with your story line very well and all of them are clear and easy to see and interpret.

  2. The background is very good. Nice job showing your opinion. May have worked better though if it was shown through out the article. I would have liked to seen some variety with the links but the biographies are good. The pics look nice. Overall great job.

  3. Hunter you did okay. The show seems likable, but the way you interpreted it all made me feel a bit uneasy and awkward. Make sure you watch out with the vocabulary you use, because this show has to deal with homosexuality and not everyone is comfortable with it. The way you wrote "However, the mother of the young woman doesn’t want her next granddaughter to go to this gay couple, so she is trying everything she can to stop it." could be interpreted as somewhat offensive just by the way you approached it. But overall the article met it's standards and explained what it needed, so good job on that! You're on your way my friend, keep up the good work! See you at practice.

    Erwin P
