Thursday, March 7, 2013

City Boy vs. Country Man

I believe that living out in the country from a young age can promote better morals, ethics, and overall better life lessons for children to grow into. Like, for example, people who live in the country have a better sense of work ethic and are usually more resourceful when working independently or as a group. They are also more family-oriented which makes country people more helpful and courteous to strangers. Furthermore, they are typically more respectful and considerate of other people and are more likely to help a random stranger than a city person. There are some downsides to living in the country, though. For instance, country people are not as tech-savvy as city people and therefore are not as up-to-date on all the newest technology. Additionally, people who live in the countryside don’t usually hear about the latest news until a while when they visit the city or some other type of way. Also, it is harder for them to get any supplies or groceries or anything because they live farther out away from stores and everything. What’s more is that they have a very hard living, working everyday no matter if it’s a holiday and they usually work long days and until they are at a very old age. This can be a good thing as well because it builds up discipline for everyday things they might do later in life.

For city people they are much more current with the newest technology or the hottest thing that is trending at the moment. They are also usually more able to handle deals with businesses like bank agreements and corporation contracts. They’re lives are also much easier than people who live in the countryside because of convenience of everything. But, there are also problems with living in the city as well. Like, how most people are stressed with their workload that they have and aren’t as resourceful with things that they do. Furthermore, they aren’t as family-oriented which usually means they don’t have as good of a sense of ethics and aren’t going to be as courteous or helpful to anyone they meet.

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